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03-10-2005 15:25

Dubrovnik Minutes, draft Reports

e-mail from Hans Rahtmayer 19 October, 2005

Minutes papers from COST 348 meeting in Dubrovnik, 6 to 7 October 2005
draft reports
(members only - see File Manager)

348 MC WG Trondh mints apprvd.pdf
348 MC WG DBV mints drft.pdf
COST ACTION 348-wg3-report-05-10-07b.pdf
WG1 Report Rev 2 DBV.pdf
Draft5-05_10_07- COST 348-wg2-report.pdf
Design models and procedures - document COST348 WG4 - draft 8b.pdf
Annex A.pdf
Annex C.pdf

Dear participants at the COST 348 meeting in Dubrovnik and interested members of  the COST REIPAS Action
please find attached the minutes and compiled papers from the working groups in PDF format.
Please take the necessary actions to update the WP-reports and please give your comments on all the papers to the relevant chairmen. Please give your replies and comments by October 31, 2005, this will help to prepare the final dissemination report and seminar.
Best regards
Hans Rathmayer, chairman of COST 348 action.
